Handwoven Skyscraper – Poem

We know the flaws and mistakes
No applause when the Lyme outbreaks
Makes it harder when you’re going at it nonstop
When you give an inch and they take 10 miles and flip-flop

I got all the pressure and weight on my shoulders
Even outside of business everyone thinks their my shareholders
Sometimes I secretly fantasize and yearn
For someone to stop by and say, “Relax, now it’s your turn.”

No matter how tired or worn I’ll move towards new frontiers
People can’t last 10 days I’ve done this steady for years
I have my moments but my inner heart will never die
You don’t have to let a slip turn into a slide

I can bounce back from anything, that’s proven by my past
Watch my present, I’ll let that be my future forecast
People know when I say it – my word is my bond
They don’t realize integrity is the ultimate way to respond

I wouldn’t have it any other way, I know the path I have chosen
I’ll look out and smile knowing my skyscraper was handwoven
It’s different when people know you’ll never stop
Lyme, despair, I don’t care – fuck it, I’m going to the top

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